ISSN: 1204-5357
When Customer Behaviours Change, Should Banks, Approaches to Online Trading Stay the Same ?
What drives the behaviors of banks and their customers in time of profound changes? The modern economic crisis has significantly affected consumers’ willingness to invest and made them more price sensitive, more rational in their decision making, and thus more challenging for banks to serve. Considering these relevant changes, banks have pursued projects to improve their internal processes and online services. Considering these changes in customer behavior and in the banking sector, some crucial questions arise. How has the strategy banks use to provide online trading services changed in the past decade? Can outsourcing and new managerial practices resolve the lack of specific competencies and assets that marked the banking sector in the past? This study, conducted in an Italian banking context, suggests that banks can attain all three elements by engaging in smart sourcing of online services to minimize costs, gain and sustain competitive advantages, and promote strategic assets.
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