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Research Article Open Access

The Relationship between Perceived Value and the Intention of Using Bitcoin


Problem Explaining: Nowadays the financial system has been affected dramatically by the development in the era of information and communication technology. One of these phenomena, is Crypto Currency Bitcoin is the most famous among them. In the reviews of Crypto Currency and Bitcoin, we can pay special attention to the public opinion, because it can have a significant impact on the future of money. Purpose: The aim of this study is to identify the preferences of people using Bitcoin as a novel product introduced by human into the financial system. For this purpose, the important factors in choosing Bitcoin have been checked. In terms of practical purpose and collecting descriptive information, this research is survey - correlation. Design/methodology/approach: In this study the important factors in the selection of Bitcoin through the investigation of the opinions of experts and consumers, offering model by patterning the technology acceptance and innovation publication models, interviewing with experts using a questionnaire and the analysis of the model through PLS partial least square method using Version 2 SMARTPLS software. Findings: The results show that the variables of infrastructure, structural, individualistic and cultural factors through perceived value have a significant and positive impact on the intention of using people. Meanwhile cultural factor has had the largest share, but innovative, political and environmental factors haven’t had any significant effect. The results of this research indicate the effective factors in the users’ tendency to use Bitcoin. Originality/value: The main question in this research is that: Is there any significant relationship between the values perceived by the consumer from Bitcoin and the intention of using it?


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