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Review Article Open Access

The Prospects of E-Commerce Implementation in Nigeria


The Internet has brought about the emergence of virtual markets with four primary distinct characteristics, which are real-time, shared, open and global (Mohammad, 2003). The growing rate of ICT utilization particularly the Internet has influenced at an exponential rate, online interaction and communication among the generality of the populace. The shortcomings notwithstanding, most people are connected through their cell phones, home PCs and others through corporate access and public kiosks. The patronage of the Internet allover the world is monumental and has remained on the increase from inception. However, with the enormity of businesses on the Internet, Nigeria is yet to harness the opportunities for optimal financial gains. This study is exploratory in nature as it attempts to unveil the prospects of e-commerce participation based on the ability-motivation-opportunity (AMO) framework. The paper proposes to investigate the ability of consumers to purchase online, the available motivation to do so, and the opportunities for Internet access. Findings revealed that Nigerians have the ability to participate in e-commerce, but there is need for improved national image to bring in the element of trust and discipline within, and before the international communities. Furthermore, there is need to encourage public and private initiatives in the provision of the basic infrastructures for improved motivation and opportunities for ecommerce implementation. Currently, consumers source for information online but make purchases the traditional way.

Ayo Charles. K

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