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Research Article Open Access

The Perception of Bank Employees towards Cost of Adoption, Risk of Innovation, and Staff Training’s Influence on The Adoption of Information and Communication Technology in The Rwandan Commercial Banks


The developments in information technology are radically changing the platform of business transactions in Rwanda. However, the adoption and usage is essentially an aftermath of banks’ perception and willingness to embrace and internalize change. This assumption was investigated among the commercial banks in Rwanda with regard to ICTs’ cost of adoption, risk of innovation, and staff training. This research was perceptual-tailored and relationship-oriented; identifying the underpinning elements and pinpointing relationships on how the principal factors foster the adoption and usage of ICT in Rwandan commercial banks. Hence, the research is descriptive and correlation research design. Data was collected through a self-constructed and statistically validated questionnaire, thus five commercial banks were used for the research. A sample size of 274 employees of different managerial positions was used for the study. Stratified sampling technique was adopted to sample the employees in each department from the various banks headquarters, and the random sampling technique was used to administer the questionnaires to the respondents. A total of 353 questionnaires were distributed and 274 usable questionnaires were retrieved and utilized for the statistical analysis. The statistical results indicate that cost of adoption, risk of innovation, staff training had perceived and significant influence on ICT adoption and usage among the surveyed commercial banks in Rwanda.

Abiud Moronge Machogu, Lynet Okiko

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