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Research Article Open Access

The Commerce Strategy towards Pan-European Innovation and Consumption: Spokes Partnership for FDI of Korea


The E-car and IT industry can be good examples to realize growth potential by amalgamating technology and capital of the EU with high-quality labor force (not the consumption but the Innovation) and Hub-Spoke market of emerging economies of the CEEC. They started to apply the membership of EU since 1998. The EU accommodated 10 nations as new members of EU in May of 2004 as they fulfilled the requirements of the ‘Copenhagen Convergence Condition’. The EU would like to realize its potential trade and investment opportunities with the CEEC from this enlargement. Since the crisis of the global finance or IT like Nokia in 2008, they have focused on the Innovation and consumption. The paper analyzed the impact for the Innovation and Consumption of Eastern enlargement of EU on trade, investment and technology cooperation patterns of Korea to formulate a pan-European marketing strategy with a special emphasis on the mobile phone industry or motorcar. This is why a new collaborative workplace has enabled the creation of hubs in the emerging regional small markets (Visegrad + Eastern European-Balkan countries) and the central large markets (Germany + CEE). But TNCs may even be merged by mega-innovative companies in the pan-European marketing unless they successfully adapt the changing patterns of demand in according to new commercialization of competing firms. The public policy in a knowledge-based economy is required to shift the role of restraining to fostering in terms of promoting linkage effect for avoiding the chasm.

Daesung Seo

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