ISSN: 1204-5357
Moderating Role of Brand Image With Relation to Internet Banking and Customer Loyalty: A Case of Branchless Banking
Purpose: Internet is of vital essence to excel and progress of organization growth. It has revolutionized the banking sector all over the world. A spectacular innovation in banking sector is to introduce Internet banking services. The aim of this study is to inspect the moderating relationship of Brand image between internet banking and customer loyalty. Design/methodology/approach: This study is conducted using positivism paradigm and deductive quantitative methods of inquiry. Data was collected in a survey from those customers who were using internet banking services in Pakistan. Questionnaire was adopted from research studies of Zeithaml et al. and Park et al. A theoretical framework is proposed to suggest the links among variables. The sample size selected for research constitutes of 437 respondents belongs to Lahore and Islamabad, from Pakistan. Simple and Moderating regression analysis is used to examine hypothesized relationship. Findings: There are two major finding the foremost, those banks who are providing internet banking services their customer are loyal with their banks, to prove this argument simple regression analysis employed result reveals that internet banking bring 94% change on customer loyalty. The second magnificent finding is to check the role of brand image as a moderator. Results prevailed that there is significant quasi moderation exist between Internet banking, and customer loyalty and prove that, if the Brand image would strong the relationship between internet banking and customer loyalty will enrich. Research limitation/Implications: Further research is indicated, to identify impact of these variables on other services provider companies of Pakistan excluding banking sector. Banking sector of Pakistan should pay more attention to enrich their brand image to enhance the customer loyalty. Originality/Value: This study is unique as it is pioneer study with moderation effect of brand image and will be helpful for the mangers to understand the value of brand image in context of Internet banking and customer loyalty.
Samar Rahi
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