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Research Article Open Access

Modeling of the Deferred Demand on the Market of Household Appliances


Purpose of the study: Development of a mathematical tool for assessing and predicting strategies of deferred demand on the market of household appliances. Methodology: The study is the basic tenets of neo-Keynesian economic theory and methods of statistical analysis: the method of grouping and binary regression. Information basis: The analytical materials, expert opinions and statistical data of the Federal Service of State Statistics of Russia and the Republic of Bashkortostan. A survey was carried out by the example of the market of household appliances in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The study analyzed more than 800 questionnaires of consumers of household appliances. Results: The study results in the authors’ definition of deferred demand as an economic category, provides main reasons for the transfer of part of the demand into deferred in the face of uncertainty, identifies factors that shape deferred demand on the market of household appliances; marks general and specific features of the market of household appliances in the Republic of Bashkortostan distinguishing it from the Russian market as a whole; a model of binary regression was built and tested; a strong correlation between the amount of deferred demand, price index, dollar exchange rate, unemployment rate and the index of consumer confidence was proved, which allows to predict the subsequent deferred demand for household appliances. The proposed study results represent a continuation and development of the study of consumer demand and behavior conducted by the authors in this field.

Maya Valerianovna Dubovik, Venera Maratovna Timiryanova, Alexander Federovich Zimin

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