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Research Article Open Access

Mechanism of Functioning of Agriculture: Classification Aspect of Modern Research for the Purpose of Improvement


The problem of providing the population of Russia with food is being addressed by all economic entities concerned with its solution, including the owners and managers of enterprises – representatives of ministries and departments, academic economists. They see the solution of this problem in the establishment of an adequate mechanism of functioning of agrarian production branches, which would influence these branches and thus increase their effectiveness. However, the existing developments and the utilized mechanism are not perfect and do not reflect the ability to significantly improve the situation in the field of agriculture. In this regard, a task of improving the existing mechanism by focusing its action on the radical improvement of the situation in agriculture remains relevant. The improvement process is not simple. It implies a coherent implementation of the following stages: study of the existing developments of the mechanism of agriculture for their presence; characteristics of the features of the selected criteria and the internal structure of the mechanism elements; classification of these developments according to research purposes and elements included in the mechanism; identification of the shortcomings of the created models using the evaluation of the rational correlation of internal components; justification of the choice of the areas of improvements based on the establishment of classification groups of the mechanism models. This publication implements the named steps that aim to improve the mechanism of functioning of agriculture.


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