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Research Article Open Access

Implementation of Business Intelligence to Increase the Effectiveness of Decision Making Process of Managers in Companies Providing Payment Services


The most important purpose of this research is implementation of business intelligence to increase the effectiveness of decision-making process of managers in service providing companies (Case Study: Saman Kish Electronic Payment Company). The importance and necessity of such research becomes clear according to criteria such as Development of knowledge about techniques to facilitate decision-making in business intelligence, strategic level of business intelligence, tactical level of business intelligence, operational level of business intelligence and quality of business intelligence implementation and absence of a system to provide advice for manager to for decision-making on matters related to business intelligence implementation. In the end, the sample size for this research consists of 30 available experts willing to cooperate who were selected using a combination of Purposive non-probability (judgment) sampling and snowball sampling. Data were collected using first set of measuring tools (tools to measure the effect of variables in order to increase the effectiveness of decision-making process of managers) and the second set of measuring tools (tools to validate “support system for decision making based on the principle of business intelligence implementation in order to increase the effectiveness of decision-making process of managers”). This fact that analyzing "business intelligence techniques to facilitate decision making" can make decision-making process of managers in Saman Kish Electronic Payment Company comprehensively effective is among the most important results of this study. In the end, it was determined that the final difference between the outputs of support system for decision making in this research which are BI+FDSS and average expert opinions has not been significant and has been calculated to be 0.06475 which means there is no significant relation between expert opinions and outputs of " BI+FDSS System". ”Techniques to facilitate decision-making in business intelligence”, ”strategic level of business intelligence”, ”tactical level of business intelligence”, ”operational level of business intelligence” and quality of business intelligence implementation” and “Companies providing payment services”

Mojtaba Zamani, Mehrdad Maeen, Majid Haghparast

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