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Commentary Open Access

How to drive your business from a humble setup to a multimillion dollar company


‘Nothing worth having is ever easy.’ So rightly said! However, my extended version of this quote says, ‘Nothing worth having is ever easy and you make it even more difficult by plunging yourself into the wide realm of entrepreneurship’. So, why do people do it? If you ask me, you just can’t help it when your mind is full of ideas and you feel like a born entrepreneur. You are so motivated to chase your dreams that you accept nothing but success. The problems that you come across during the process are part of the package and are surely not easy to surpass but with the right attitude, you not only resolve them but you also learn to capitalize on them. In my session, I will share my story. No lies, no tales but purely my account of events. Starting from scratch to building an empire that I own today, I will take you along on this roller coaster ride. My aim is to share my experience to motivate and help. There are a lot of things that I wish I knew earlier but for you, I am ready to share all that I know and have learned from my experience. Let’s jump in this bandwagon together and come out as glorious winners

Claudio Sorrentino

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