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Perspective Article Open Access

Creativity and entrepreneurship: From social services to success


Examine creativity through the lens of entrepreneurship. Like creativity, entrepreneurship can have many definitions, but in one reading, Jeffrey Nytch (2016) described it as a mindset. Nytch explains this mindset as steps in a process. First, you will recognize the opportunity in front of you, then focus on the issue, remain flexible and adaptable, and identify resources. This to me, appeared to be similar to creative problem solving. When creativity collides with entrepreneurship, learning to balance in opposition to struggles, as well as always finding new and exciting ways to redevelop and restructure a business to stay ahead of the curve is pivotal to having a business. This can also be said about creativity. Creativity is omnipresent. “Each of us does have an Aladdin’s lamp, and if we rub it hard enough, it can light our way to better living, just as that same lamp lit up the march of civilization”(Osborn, 1952b, p. 8). Creativity can be harnessed and used as a missile or cannon during a war. The potential alone to create opportunity is infinite. Where their potential there needs to exist an action and then we have changed. With the unlimited change that needs to happen, every single individual has a part they must be willing to play to make an impact. Through entrepreneurship, it can take a domestic violence victim or survivor from poverty to plenty, from social services to success, and from minimum wage to Chief Executive Officer.

Jessica Cassick

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