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Factors affecting customer’s satisfaction of Debit card: A comparative study between Islamic banks and conventional banks in Bangladesh


Purpose The paper aims at making comparative analysis about debit card user’s satisfaction of Islamic and conventional banks of Bangladesh. Furthermore, this paper also tries to point out the key factors of customer satisfaction in study area. Methodology A well-planned questionnaire was distributed to 300 debit card user from which 150 from Islamic banks and rest 150 is from conventional bank. These customers were selected through random sampling. For analysis questionnaire responses were coded, summarized, and analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS windows version 20). Also bi-variate& regression model has been used to find out the important factors that influence most the customer’s satisfaction regarding debit card of both type of banks. Findings The study found the users of conventional banks more satisfied than that of Islamic banks. Result indicates that, security and responsiveness and different value denominated notes are most important factors in conventional banks customers’ satisfaction whereas in Islamic banks, availability of taka and transaction cost are comparatively less important. Originality/value   Multiple electronic payment method has been emerged, but scant attention paid to measure the customer satisfaction in the study area. So, this paper will add value in this field of study.
Evana Nusrat Dooty, Israth Sultana and Kulsuma Akter Nahid

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