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Editorial Open Access

Editorial Note for Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce


I am pleased to introduce the Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce (JIBC) (ISSN: 1204-5357) a rapid peer-reviewed Journal. We have been started in the year 1996 and is growing continuously. It is our pleasure to announce that during the year 2020, all issues were published online on time and the print issues were also brought out and dispatched within 30 days of publishing the issue online.  All published articles of this journal are included in the indexing and abstracting coverage of EBSCO Business Source Complete EBSCO Business Source Premier, EBSCO A-to-Z Service, SCImago, Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Accounting, Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Computer Science and Business Information Systems, Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Economics and Finance, Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Management, Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Marketing, ABI/INFORM CompleteTM, ABI/INFORM GlobalTM, ABI/INFORM Trade & IndustryTM, ABI/INFORM Dateline TM, ABI/INFORM ArchiveTM, ABI/INFORM ResearchTM, ABI/INFORM SelectTM, ProQuest Banking Information SourceTM, ProQuest Entrepreneurship, DOAJ, the Directory of Open Access Journals, Google search engine, Yahoo search engine and among many other reputed scientific databases. The submissions to the journal are subjected to the peer-review process by the editorial board members or external subject experts. The complete editorial processing of the manuscript is done through the integrated online editorial manuscript submission and review system for greater transparency and faster article throughout. During the calendar year 2020, the Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce received a total of 97 papers that were subjected to the peer-review process and 63 of those were accepted. In volume 25 published during the year 2020, a total of 22 articles were published (at an average of 5 articles per issue) of which, 60 % of articles were by foreign authors. A total of 136 research scientists from India and abroad reviewed the 22 articles published in volume 25. During the calendar year 2020, a total of 2 Editors, 8 Reviewers joined the board of JIBC and contributed their valuable services towards contribution as well as the publication of articles, and their valuable reviewer comments will beneficial to publish quality of the article in the Journal. I take this opportunity to acknowledge the contribution of Editor-in-chief and Associate Editor during the final editing of articles published and bringing out issues of JIBC in time. I would also like to express my gratitude to all the authors, reviewers, the publisher, language editor, honorary editors, the scientific advisory, and the editorial board of JIBC. With their support, we are releasing the new volume (Volume 26) of JIBC for the calendar year 2021.

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