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Research Article Open Access

Economic Technology of Enterprise Risk Management Based on Information Support for Their Activity


The article examines the main trends in the use of approaches to risk management of activities of Russian enterprises and organizations. The conclusion was made about the shift in focus in the field of risk management from the theory of calculations to minimization of uncertainty. The range of acceptability of the risk level in terms of economic instability is proved. The results of the study of the degree of readiness of entrepreneurs representing the industrial and commercial sectors of Tyumen economy to work in unstable economic conditions are mentioned. The extent of use of global management decision-making techniques in actual practice is estimated; the reasons for the low level of information support for the risk management process and the dependence of the business risk level on the diversification of activities are revealed. Five main groups of risk management techniques are proposed that predetermine the choice of options for possible actions depending on the likelihood and magnitude of potential damage represented as a "damage-probability" matrix. The impact of the level of information support on the level of uncertainty and risk in the implementation of 196 economic solutions in the field of managing the enterprise economy with a specialization in groups of risk situations was estimated: substantiation of the project of development of the existing production, management of the product life cycle, scheduled and urgent definition of the enterprise place in the competitive market. A risk management approach, which consists in ranking methods in descending order of their effectiveness depending on the action of risk-contributing factors, is proposed. A technology of managing the risks of the enterprise, which allows to achieve efficient allocation of resources to risk management and the best result – the lowest possible or acceptable residual risk level.


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