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Determinants oOf Trust in B2c E-Commerce and their Relationship with Consumer Online Trust: A Case of Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation


Previous research has established that online shopping is the function of a series of consumer evaluation and assessment of e-commerce sites. However, building and maintaining trust in the virtual environment is indeed a complex process and by extension takes time to fully achieve it. This takes the form of assessing the technology as well as the trustworthiness of the vendor in delivering its promises to the customers The aim of this research was to investigate specific determinants or factors that influence consumer online trust in the B2C e-commerce with a focus on Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation consumers. In other words, constructs such as perceived security, perceived privacy, perceived third party assurance, perceived reputation, perceived familiarity and perceived website quality and their relationship with online trust in the B2C context were studied. In conducting the research, a convenience sampling technique was adopted in carrying out the survey. Questionnaires were distributed to the target respondents and the data was analyzed using SPSS version 24. A Pearson’s correlation was used to test the six hypotheses identified in this study. Meanwhile, the results showed that five of the hypotheses were statistically significant with p<0.05 thereby giving us evidence to support them. However, one of the hypothesis for the construct perceived familiarity had a p>0.05, making us to reject the hypothesis as it was not statistically significant. Furthermore, a multiple regression analysis was also conducted in order to ascertain which of the constructs have a major influence with reference to consumer online trust. The results provided evidence that perceived security has the greatest influence on online trust for Ekaterinburg’s consumer. This was followed closely by perceived reputation and finally perceived privacy. This clearly shows that Ekaterinburg’s e-commerce consumer population considers these factors to be very imperative in engendering their trust in the virtual B2C e-commerce environment. These findings complement previous research findings in the domain of e-commerce trust. Keywords : E-commerce trust; B2C e-commerce; Perceived security; Perceived reputati

Ismaila Bojang

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