Short Communication Open Access
Descriptive analysis of consumer perception on online grocery
shopping stores in Indian consumer markets
In the last three decades, the Indian economy has observed considerable growth in almost all sectors. The information technology revolution has changed the market structure and business dynamics. Today, supply chains are more visible and customer-centric. The consumer, especially in urban area, have multiple market access both online and offline. The Indian markets are now flourished with national and international brands. For many years, offline markets were used to serve consumers in India. The structure was traditional and price discrimination has been observed in almost all markets. The online platform is comparatively in the infant stage in India. At present, very few Indian companies are using the online platform in this Business. These people primarily aim to understand consumer perception of online grocery portals. It also attains to understand corporate strategies pertaining to supply chain & logistics and sales & promotion. The findings highlight strategies pertaining to supply chain reforms, social media marketing, and integrated marketing communication.
Riya Gandhi
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