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Research Article Open Access

Customer Satisfaction and Customer Perceived Value and its Impact on Customer Loyalty: The Mediational Role of Customer Relationship Management


Today’s competitive environment in restaurant sector adds extra barriers to achieve customer loyalty. Customer loyalty is crucial to improve overall performance and build better relationship with potential customers. The existence of high levels of customer satisfaction, customer perceived value and customer relationship management enhance the relationship of customer with the firm which strongly boost up the overall performance of the firm. The focus of this research is to examine the impact of customer satisfaction and customer perceived value on customer loyalty. Additionally, the study will help to analysis the mediating effect of customer relationship management (CRM) in this relationship. The main reason behind this research is to discover significant measures to positively enhance customer loyalty in service sector. Currently, limitedresearch exists on relationship of these variables, especially on restaurant sector in Pakistan. This study also intent to examine more manners to strongly enhance customer loyalty. The research design is based on quantitative research thus the data was collected through primary data, five Likert-scales and Spss 24 was used to compute results. Convince sampling method was used in order to gather data. Different tests were applied to analyze reliability and validity furthermore it is recommended from this study that customer satisfaction, customer perceived value and CRM is key drivers to build customer loyalty. Lastly, this study discussed further ways which can be useful for future research.

Farheen Javed, Sadia Cheema

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