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Research Article Open Access

An Empirical Investigation on the Impacts of the Adoption of Green Hrm in the Agricultural Industry


The green human resources management (Green HRM) developed from companies engaging in practices that are concerned about environmental conservation and maintaining sustainable ecological balance. It includes all the activities that are geared towards helping an organization carry out its goals for environmental management to reduce carbon footprints in areas that concern the employment of employees, their training and compensation. Green HRM plays a useful role in supporting environment and agricultural related issues by following and adopting green HR practices and policies. There is a great deal of increase in the adoption of sustainable agricultural systems by the agricultural industry. Literature has highlighted the importance of the adoption of the sustainable agricultural systems as a key objective of the agricultural sector thus making it very significant to identify with the support of green HRM practices. In most parts of the world today, there are ongoing debates and uncertaintiesthat are associated with how green management principles can be effectively implemented in a workforce in an organization. Research methodology is based on quantitative research and primary data was collected. The results was calculated by SPSS 24 , different tests were applied to measure reliability and validity, to analyze the variables simple linear regression, one way repeated measures ANVOA and Paired- Samples t Test were applied. This research identified the various ways that green HRM practices are helping in improving agriculture now and in the future. The key finding of this research was that there is very little understanding of GHRM in Pakistan, therefore more effect manners should be applied to collect appropriate data and learning employee behavior towards change can make a major difference in this field.

Farheen Javed, Sadia Cheema

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