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Research Article Open Access

Adoption of Internet Banking: An Empirical Investigation of Indian Banking Sector


The tremendous advances in technology and the aggressive infusion of information technology had brought in a paradigm shift in banking operations. Internet banking that has revolutionized the banking industry world wide has turned out to be the nucleus issue of various studies all over the world. However there has constantly been a literature gap on the issue in India. The purpose of this paper is to help fill significant gaps in knowledge about the Internet banking landscape in India. The paper presents data, drawn from a survey of commercial banks websites, on the number of commercial banks that offer Internet banking and on the products and services they offer. It investigates the profile of commercial banks that offer Internet banking, using univariate statistical analysis, relative to other commercial banks with respect to profitability, cost efficiency, and other characteristics. By the end of first quarter, 2004, differences between Internet and non-Internet banks had begun to emerge in funding, in sources of income and expenditures and in measures of performance. It was also found that the profitability and offering of Internet banking does not have any significant correlation.

Balwinder Singh,Pooja Malhotra

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