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Information Services and Retail Sales: Strategies, particularly Methods, Security

Mikhail N. Dudin1*
  1. The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Russia
Corresponding Author: Mikhail N. Dudin, The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Russia, Tel: 7471250-48-20; E-mail:
Received: 26 October 2015 Accepted: 28 October 2015 Published: 30 October 2015
Citation: Mikhail N. Dudin (2015) Information Services and Retail Sales: Strategies, Particularly Methods, Security. J Internet Bank Commer S1:e101.
Copyright: © 2015 Mikhail N. Dudin. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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Over the past twenty years there have been thousands of studies on the development of the Internet, especially as a medium for business development. Articles, monographs, reviews have been written on the basis of the obtained results. They not only set changes in various social processes and social institutions, but could influence their transformation, creation of new technologies, and formation of social and professional relations, particularly in the economic area. Undoubtedly, today there are certain trends in the world that determine the development of the Internet as a medium and a tool for business. However, are they implemented similarly in practice? Of course, not. It is easy to make this conclusion by just reading the latest issues of the Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce. For example, in India, Vietnam, Colombia, despite of the fact that there are many common things in these countries, there are some peculiarities of the Internet banking development. That’s why I think it is quite logical that a special issue of Information Services and Retail Sales: Strategies, Particularly, Methods, Security has appeared. I will explain in a few words how we see the mission of this issue and why it will be of particular interest to researchers who specialize in the area of information technology and retail sales.
• To show territorial peculiarities of the region under research. An overwhelming number of studies are related to various regions of the Russian Federation. In Russia the density of the resident population differs considerably. It affects the level of the Internet mobile communication and telecommunication services infiltration. Besides, the level of business development differs essentially. In addition to the general trends that determine the Russian practice as a whole, some regions of Russia make up a specific medium where due to regional differences the business development is determined by domestic factors.
• To identify national peculiarities of the Internet functioning and regulation of mutual relations. The development of economy, law, education and technologies has created our own Russian medium of the Internet development. Of course, this medium is a part of the global Internet, but it has a number of significant peculiarities. These peculiarities allow to create national information services as well as to adapt existing international services to the Russian conditions.
• To offer methods and strategies for implementing information services and retail sales to the final consumer as well as the experience of their integration. In Russia e-commerce and information services have different levels of penetration, depending on the business area. In some areas (such as commercial information services at airports, payment systems, etc.) there is dynamic development of information services, in other areas (retail sales of daily use goods, clothing, etc.) e-commerce is trying to find its niche, but the area of penetration is at an insufficient level and has limitations for its development. It is worth noting some articles where authors try to compare electronic and traditional forms of trade within individual researches.
• To identify cultural limits of spreading the research results, and the possibilities of their use. Due to the historical heritage, language barriers and striving to be published only in national level journals, English-speaking readers often have the limited access to the results of the researches. The ability to expand the information about the new knowledge on the international level will help in solving the internal problems in the area of e-commerce and retail trade, and what is more important, it will strengthen inter-ethnic integration and reduce cultural barriers.
In conclusion, I would like to express my gratitude to the management of the journal that provided the opportunity to create this issue as well as personally to Mary Jasmine (Editorial Assistant Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce) for consulting and participating in solving organizational issues, who also helped me as an editor in my work on the formation of this issue. I hope that readers will increase their awareness and will be able to apply the acquired knowledge into practice. In my turn, I express the general opinion of the authors who will be happy to continue cooperating with the Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce in the future.

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