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Impact of European Union Corporate Tax Reductions on the Global Economy

Haney Jain

Department of Accounting, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China

*Corresponding Author:
Haney Jain
Department of Accounting,
Xi'an Jiaotong University,
Xi'an, China

Received date: 22-02-2023, Manuscript No. JIBC-23-95877; Editor assigned date: 24-02-2023, Pre QC No. JIBC-23-95877 (PQ); Reviewed date: 10-03-2023, QC No. JIBC-23-95877; Revision date: 17-03-2023, Manuscript No: JIBC-23-95877 (R); Published date: 27-03-2023

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Corporate taxes are levied on a company's profits and have historically been a major source of revenue for most governments across the world. The European Union (EU) is made up of 27 member nations, each with its own set of tax rules and regulations. Over the years, there has been a movement to harmonise tax laws and regulations across the EU in order to maintain a level playing field for regional enterprises. However, there has been a large difference in corporation tax rates across the EU, sparking a debate about whether these taxes should be reduced to attract more investment or raised to create more money for governments.

Pros of reducing corporate taxes across the EU

Increasing investment is one of the primary benefits of lowering corporation taxes across the EU is that it can help attract greater investment. Lower taxes allow firms to keep more revenues, which they can reinvest in their operations, resulting in growth and expansion. It may also attract international firms wishing to establish operations in the EU, which will strengthen the economy and create more jobs. Reduced corporation taxes can make companies more competitive, which can lead to increased innovation, improved efficiency, and reduced consumer pricing. This can help EU firms compete more successfully with equivalents in other regions, such as the United States and Asia.

Harmonization of tax rules and regulations across the EU can result in a simpler tax system, making it easier for firms to comply with tax requirements. Companies can save time and money by reducing their administrative load. Economic growth: Lowering corporation taxes can boost economic growth, benefiting both businesses and individuals. As businesses expand, more jobs are created, resulting in reduced unemployment rates and higher consumer spending, which can help the economy.

Cons of reducing corporate taxes across the EU

Reduced revenue for governments is one of the major drawbacks of lowering corporate taxes across the EU is that it can result in lower revenue for governments. This can have an impact on governments' ability to deliver important public services including healthcare, education, and infrastructure development.

Lower taxes might favour already profitable enterprises, resulting in an unequal allocation of benefits. Smaller or beginning businesses may not profit as much from lower taxes as larger, more established corporations.

Lowering business taxes across the EU may result in tax rivalry among member countries. This might result in a race to the bottom in which governments slash taxes to entice enterprises, resulting in revenue losses for all member states.

Lower corporation taxes can raise demand for products and services, resulting in inflation. This can have an impact on customer purchasing power and lead to higher costs for goods and services.


Reducing corporation taxes across the EU has advantages and disadvantages, and it is up to the member states to determine whether or not to do so. While lower taxes can attract more investments and promote competitiveness, they can also result in decreased government revenue and tax rivalry among member states. It is critical to achieve a balance between lowering corporation taxes and ensuring that governments have adequate money to offer basic government services. Harmonisation of EU tax laws and regulations can also lead to a simplified tax system that benefits both enterprises and individuals. Finally, the decision to decrease corporation taxes should be based on a rigorous examination of the potential benefits and downsides, taking into consideration each member state's particular circumstances.

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