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From the JIBC Publisher

First Author's Name: Nahum Goldmann
First Author's Title/Affiliation: ARRAY Development, Ottawa, Canada; Publisher and
Member of the Editorial Board, JIBC
Author's Personal/Organizational Website:
Email: Nahum.Goldmann (at) ARRAYDev.Com
Brief Biographic Description: Nahum Goldmann, President, ARRAY Development, is a leading expert and a lecturer on building and securing ebanking and ecommerce, procurement, financial and governance strategies, Knowledge Process Outsourcing, as well as regulatory and government policy issues.

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Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, From the JIBC Publisher

IFRS – Call for the Case Studies

Financial accounting is essential when establishing effective Internet commerce, banking and payments. From being treated in the past as an administrative overhead, online accounting now emerges as a critical enabler for ecommerce profitability and sustainability.

Nowhere the new accounting dynamics is more apparent than in the introduction of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) – a compelling accounting framework that currently (with the notable exception of the US) substitutes Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) in most developed and developing countries.

I live in Canada, where IFRS introduction at the key private and public sector organizations in 2010-11 will definitely affect the jobs of professional accountants. Our country is somewhat more litigation-driven than Europe and South East Asia, but still less so than the US. Hence, IFRS commencement will likely result in substantial repercussions for the CEOs and other Non-Financial Executives.

It would be interesting to learn from the JIBC authors and readers how this new accounting framework affects their organizational reporting, executive accountability and operational transparency. Please send us results of your research and case studies from around the globe that illuminate the critical differences in the new IFRS financial statements compared to that produced under the old GAAP.

Change of Conference Dates

Due to some serious concerns with the potential attendance during the summer vacation time, and to ensure good health environment, the International Conference on eCommerce and ePayments in Marrakech, Morocco will take place on September 25-27, 2009. (see The conference has been organized by SIST (, a Middle Eastern centre of University of Sunderland in the UK (President Dr. Tariq Obaid), as well as Educasphere (, a Moroccan corporation specializing in conferences, consultancy and student orientation (Director Abdellatif Mazouz). Editorial Committee consists of JIBC Chief Editor Prof. Nikhil Agarwal, Dr. Jean-Michel Sahut, Director of Research Center, Amiens School of Management, France and Prof. Jay Mitra, Associate Director and Head of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Group, Essex Business School. For Call for Papers see

Every ebanking and ecommerce academic and graduate student should consider a presentation – or at least active participation – at this important and quite interesting conference. It looks quite promising both in its high intellectual potential and as a gateway to the Middle Eastern ecommerce/ebanking marketplace. For executives and practitioners, it might also mean an opportunity to turn around their own professional fortunes as well as finding the new ways to prosper for their corporations. The Marrakesh venue is the world renown as a city of immense beauty, friendly charm and vivid activity.

The ICeP’09 Program Committee would much appreciate it if you distribute this announcement to all your colleagues and friends that might be interested in participating, as well as to the lists and blogs that you might run or take part at.

Again, I am asking each and every one of you, our readers and subscribers, to email JIBC to at least 3 of your colleagues, friends and discussion groups that you are participating at, and recommend that they also subscribe. Please share information about JIBC articles with the Internet community and suggest to us new ways to promote JIBC among academics and professionals from around the globe.

As well, I am challenging all the current and past authors and editors to email your own articles -- along with the rest of JIBC edition -- to at least 10 of your peers and colleagues in academia, government and industry. Make sure that they are well aware of your articles and the Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce. Recommend that they also subscribe to email editions. After all, we send it around just 3-4 times a year.

A special appeal to ecommerce/ebusiness students to pass a word about JIBC to your professors and classmates and, more important, to ask them to supply new articles and tell everybody to subscribe.

Please contact us with the suggestion of how to submit information on JIBC to other leading search engines and academic reference publications. Also, if you notice publications referring to JIBC articles, please let us know.

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