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From the JIBC Editor-in-Chief

First Author's Name: Dr Nikhil Agarwal
First Author's Title/Affiliation: Editor-in-Chief JIBC
Email: nikhil.jibc(at)
Brief Biographic Description: Dr Agarwal an international expert on ICT, Internet Governance and Policy. He has lectured around the world on IT Strategy, eCommerce, eGovernance and Technology Policy. Other than his full time responsibilities, he is serving as Co-Chair of ISOC AC (Internet Society); High-Level-Adviser to UN GAID and member of numerous editorial boards/review panels. He is currently Director of Europe Asia Business School (EABS), Pune.

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Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, From the JIBC Editor-in-Chief

Two important events which took my attention recently. The first was probably called most honest effort to bring the people together. Other can be called to cut-the-bridge of communication.

The recent speech of President Obama to the Muslim world can be considered to be one of the most important speeches in our recent times. The speech clearly defines that human beings cannot exists in isolation, we need to communicate, collaborate and come together to create the world for tomorrow. I must congratulate President Obama for making such important statement.

On different note, we have believed Internet is bringing us together & closer. The recent developments on IPv9 [parallel internet] by China working on opposite directions. China’s stance will defy the very meaning of Internet and it would start the sort of race among the countries to start their own internet protocols & standards. We at JIBC believes in the unity of the internet in its current format.

As we have announced in our previous issue, the dates for the Morocco conference has been changed to September 2009. JIBC is pleased to announce our association with ‘International Conference on eCommerce and ePayments 09’ at Marrakech, Morocco 24-26 July 2009. The call for papers and complete information about the conference including themes, tracks, visitor information is available on the conference website . I am sure it would be great intellectual gathering giving different perspective on MENA region financial markets. JIBC would organize a special issue in December 2009 to include the selected papers from IEC09. We invite you to write submit papers for Morocco conference. Hope to see you all there.

In our current issue we have 14 strong papers representing all human-living continents (African, Europe, Americas, South America and Asia). JIBC has become a solid international platform which can organize such a large audience across the continents. The popularity of JIBC is emerging day-by-day, which, I must thank to our authors, readers & editors for their efforts.

I invite you all to further explore the April 2009 issue of JIBC.

Nikhil Agarwal

Participate at the International Conference on eCommerce and ePayments in Marrakech, Morocco, 25th -27th Sept 2009

For Call for Papers and Panels please see

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