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Editorial: The Internet and a Standard Language

by Gordon Jenkins


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The first thing you will notice is our new logo. I would be interested in your comments on the logo, the contents of the JIBC and if you feel strongly about an article (or an editorial!), a letter -- excuse me!! -- an Email to the editor would be appreciated and published. Let a 1000 flowers grow. If you agree with everything we publish, then we will have to reassess our position!

I am commuting to Sweden and working in Canada and Nordic. Three weeks Sweden and area, two weeks Canada/U.S, three weeks Sweden and so on. This has been extremely helpful in my understanding of different cultures and different approaches to technology in commerce and banking.

The technology is the same (well, that's another story) but we always forget about the people. Sabotage is not a military term. Rather the root of the word is from when workers put their wooden shoes or sabots into the gears of the machines that were replacing them.

A common language is good also. The common language of the internet is English. Is this good because it is a standard way of communicating or is it bad because it threatens our national identity with not only a foreign language English but also the baggage this language brings?

Business culture, music, movies , video, violence..

Will there be a reaction to the Anglo-Saxon Internet?

Answer: Yes.

Can the Internet be stopped? Answer: No.

Check out the Web pages for the European countries, for Japan, China and Cuba even. A lot of English there! The common language of the Internet is quickly becoming English.

What do you think?

A good or a bad development or trend?

BTW: JIBC has added a new section on "case studies" of companies and /or products" that have been successfully applied in an actual application. If you or your company would like to brag a bit or are quite proud of how well your product or service did, then please send us an article for the "Case Studies" section. The case study must of course have the approval of the site/product/service owner and should not be too self congratulatory. We'd like you to talk about what you did right, what you did wrong and lessons learned.

Gordon Jenkins

Editor, JIBC

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