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By Gordon Jenkins


Visit for more related articles at Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce

Mr. Jenkins is an executive consultant who specializes in Electronic Business particularly with foreign governments. He analyzes , prepares strategic plans and implements Electronic Commerce internationally in the public and private sector. His interest primarily is Internet/Web based technologies but also smart cards. This includes introducing electronic business to the organization, integrating them and ensuring they are integrated with existing systems and technologies. He also is a specialist on joint venturing and partnerships between hi-tech international firms. He has recently worked on Electronic Commerce projects with the Czech Republic, in the Nordic region, particularly Sweden, as well as Hong Kong last year.

This editorial will be brief as I would like you to read Rich Field's excellent Guest Editorial - and of course the rest of the articles !

I would like to welcome Mr. Jerry Dwyer and his new column on Banking - Mr Dwyer brings experience in the banking community both professionally and academically.

As well , Judie Mulholland and Keefee's extremely successful and popular " Best from E Carm" will become a regular feature in "The Best Of" section of the Journal.


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