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2015: Volume 20, Issue 3

Research Article:  J Internet Bank Commer 2015, 20: 117
Service Quality Dimensions and Customer Satisfaction with Online Services of Nigerian Banks
Okeke TC, Ezeh GA and Ugochukwu NOA
Research Article:  J Internet Bank Commer 2015, 20: 118
E-banking Complexities and the Perpetual Effect on Customer Satisfaction in Rwandan Commercial Banking Industry: Gender as a Moderating Factor
Machogu AM and Okiko L
Research Article:  J Internet Bank Commer 2015, 20: 119
An Analysis of Behavioral Intention to use Thai Internet Banking with Quality Management and Trust
Namahoot KS and Laohavichien T
Research Article:  J Internet Bank Commer 2015, 20: 120
Highlighting the Vulnerabilities of Online Banking System
Laith T Khrais
Research Article:  J Internet Bank Commer 2015, 20: 121
Efficiency and Productivity Change of Selected Online Banks in Bangladesh: A Non-parametric Malmquist Approach
Md. Azizul Baten, Kasim MM and Rahman M
Research Article:  J Internet Bank Commer 2015, 20: 122
An Assessment of Benefits and Challenges of Information and Communication Technology to Office Managers in the Banking Industry
Omoniyi EO and Omoniyi ST
Research Article:  J Internet Bank Commer 2015, 20: 123
Factors Influencing Intention to Adopt Internet Banking by Postgraduate Students of the University of Ibadan, Nigeria
Omotayo FO and Adebayo AK
Research Article:  J Internet Bank Commer 2015, 20: 124
Opportunities and Challenges of M-commerce Adoption in Bangladesh: An Empirical Study
Rahman MM and Sloan T
Research Article:  J Internet Bank Commer 2015, 20: 125
A Solution for Power Consumption Costs of WLANS in Enterprises
Giovanni Pau
Research Article:  J Internet Bank Commer 2015, 20: 126
Conceptualizing User Preference and Trust in Western Designed Banking Software Systems in Developing Countries
Sabi HM, Mlay SV, Tsuma CK and Bang HN
Research Article:  J Internet Bank Commer 2015, 20: 127
Computer Assisted Audit Techniques and Audit Quality in Developing Countries: Evidence from Nigeria
Omonuk JB and Oni AA
Research Article:  J Internet Bank Commer 2015, 20: 128
A Mobile Banking Adoption Model in the Jordanian Market: An Integration of TAM with Perceived Risks and Perceived Benefits
Khasawneh MHA
Research Article:  J Internet Bank Commer 2015, 20: 129
Development of Internet Banking as the Innovative Distribution Channel and Turkey Example
Sanli B and Hobikoğlu EH
Research Article:  J Internet Bank Commer 2015, 20: 130
An Empirical Study on Antecedents of Perceived Service Recovery Quality in E-banking Context
Rejikumar G
Research Article:  J Internet Bank Commer 2015, 20: 131
Moderating Role of Brand Image With Relation to Internet Banking and Customer Loyalty: A Case of Branchless Banking
Samar Rahi
Research Article:  J Internet Bank Commer 2015, 20: 132
User Adoption of Online Banking in Nigeria: A Qualitative Study
Tarhini A, Mgbemena C, Trab MSA and Masa’deh R
Research Article:  J Internet Bank Commer 2015, 20: 133
An Investigation of the Effects of Customer's Educational Attainment on their Adoption of E-banking in Nigeria
Oyeleye O, Sanni M and Shittu T
Research Article:  J Internet Bank Commer 2015, 20: 134
Prospects and Challenges of Technological Innovation in Banking Industry of North East India
Kamaleswar Boro
Research Article:  J Internet Bank Commer 2015, 20: 135
The Wine Sector in the Digital Era: An Empirical Evaluation of E-quality Opportunities
Mason MC, Gos L and Moretti A
Research Article:  J Internet Bank Commer 2015, 20: 136
How to Regain Lost Customers in Electronic Commerce: An Empirical Study from China
Bo Xu and Bingjia Shao
Research Article:  J Internet Bank Commer 2015, 20: 137
Leadership of Modern Financial Institutions and the Changing Paradigm of Banking in Nigeria
Ikpefan OA and Agwu ME
Research Article:  J Internet Bank Commer 2015, 20: 138
Cost and Profit Efficiency of Online Banks: Do National Commercial Banks Perform better than Private Banks?
Baten MA1, Kasim MM and Rahman M

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